First, my cat passed away. And as most of my close friends knew, he was like a son to me and up until now I just could not take the idea of him not being with me anymore. I thank you Jarod for giving Shadow to me as she's kinda a big help in making me still standing on my two feet. And that was during the start of the recent school holiday.
When the hols was halfway finished, I had to go back to JB to train my volleyball team. They were passionate young children, cheeky, crazy, mischievous and they do understand my situation. I mean kids these days can somehow talk like adults. And of course a few minutes after that, they went back to their real age. And yeah, the tournament was last Thursday and we got second place with four of my kids got chosen to compete in the district level, and that is next Thursday. Well, they could get the first place but in the first match, they were demotivated by some teachers that accompanied us. And it feels like I'm being sabotaged as for about a month I've been training them alone and on that day itself, these teachers had to demoralize the kids. I'm not accusing or making assumptions but the kids told me themselves that they are afraid of the teachers, thus could not concentrate on the game. So what I did was to remind them of who they should listen to and play like they always play. Be as crazy, naughty and playful as they were during their training sessions with me. And they did. And that's how they managed to win the silver with average 8-9 points difference.
Talking about teachers sabotaging me, one of the teachers actually had created a story of me being the toy boy of a female teacher in the school and we seem to have had affairs even though she's already married and stuff. And they seem to have circulated the story around in the teachers' room. It made ashamed of calling my self a teacher when a group of seasoned and, like the headmistress said, great teachers in the school, did something like this when it is totally not true. Makes you wonder and found the reason of why and what makes our young generations turns out to be like they are right now.
And yeah, to make things worse, I was involved in a 6-car-accident last Friday. I'm unhurt but it's gonna cost me a lot until my car is fully repaired.
As you can see, my front bonnet and bumper dented a lot and somehow the radiator still works. But the back bonnet and bumper is in a bad shape. The bumper was stuck at the right tyre and had to be pulled out with a crowbar. So yeah. But I was laughing right after it happened as the sixth vehicle is a Dunkin Donut van. I don't know why but some how it was funny at that time. And yeah. LOL I'm safe, just that I'm gonna miss my baby boy or like the pupils called it, Mr. Bean's car, for a week.
However I still went to Singapore with Guna and Shim out of randomness and we had a great time there. We literally circled the island in one day, via MRTs and taxis. Well, the purpose was to find my brother but he somehow did not showed up for work. Then we hang out with old friends and had a few catching up sessions. Oh yeah, some how some of the Singaporeans seems to be unfriendly to us. Well, we were short of small change and we were shooed off a shop even though we paid for some drinks we bought to get the change. And yeah, some hawkers gave us bad service with their bad attitude and to the degree that I called him some names right at him. And they are hawking in the middle of a famous tourist area. They gave the tourists there a bad image of Singapore. Well done.
Ah well, busy weeks ahead. Hopefully I won't turn crazy or suicidal.
Take care there. Life is memang full of ups and downs. Hahax.
uh oh same story here. some oldies are gossiping how i'm a toyboy to somebody.
i was like "huh? biase la, hot stuff" ;p
Yes! I know I'm hot ali g but still, x elok tau drag org len masuk hal kite...
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